As an MEA-Retired member you’re part of the 116,000 member Michigan Education Association and NEA-Retired, our national counterpart in the over 3 million member NEA. That’s powerful representation by the largest association in the state and in the nation concerned exclusively with the interests of education employees and retirees.

What is MEA-Retired?
MEA-Retired stands for Michigan Education Association-Retired. It is an MEA affiliate made up of current and retired public school employees.
What MEA-Retired Does for You.
MEA-Retired retirees vigorously lobby to maintain and improve retirement and health benefits for all public school employees. And more…
MEA-Retired - Of Course!
As an MEA-Retired member you’re part of the 116,000 member Michigan Education Association and NEA-Retired, our national counterpart in the 2.2 million member NEA.
Learn more about MEA-Retired Officers. As lifetime members of MEA-Retired, our officers have a longstanding relationship with this community.
Help protect the benefits that took a lifetime to obtain. Join MEA-Retired today. Find out more about who we are, what we do and added benefits of membership.
This is your resource for MEA-Retired frequently asked questions. Get information about membership benefits, as well as navigating through the website.
"MEA‐Retired supports active and retired members as we adapt to changes firmly based on our wide‐range of experiences and
connections with our creative commitment to quality education."
Michael Koen, MAHE Liaison, MEA-Retired Board of Directors