About MEA-Retired: What is MEA-Retired?
What is MEA-Retired?
MEA-Retired stands for Michigan Education Association-Retired. It is an MEA affiliate made up of current and retired public school employees. Although MEA-Retired is a part of MEA, it is not necessary to be an MEA member in order to join after retirement. Any person who receives a pension check from the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System (MPSERS), was on MEA staff, or has worked for a public school system in another state, is eligible for MEA-Retired membership. Currently working MEA members (including ESP and higher education) and MEA staff are eligible to join MEA-Retired and become active MEA-Retired members upon retirement.
MEA-Retired is also an affiliate of the National Education Association-Retired (NEA-Retired). Lifetime membership in MEA-Retired is also lifetime membership in NEA-Retired. Lifetime membership in MEA-Retired/NEA-Retired is a one-time charge of $500.
MEA-Retired has local chapters throughout the state and a chapter in Florida. Local dues vary from $0 to $20 per year. Our goal is to have a chapter connected to each coordinating council in Michigan.
MEA-Retired elects its own officers and board of directors and manages its own budget. It has liaisons to the MEA Board of Directors, MEA Commissions, Committees and Task Forces, the MPSERS Board and the Michigan Association of Retired Americans.