About MEA-Retired: What MEA-Retired Is Doing
What MEA-Retired Is Doing
Lobbying for retirement and public education issues
Reading MEA Scholarship applications
Attending and presenting at the NEA-Retired Leadership Conference
Serving as delegates to the MEA Representative Assembly, NEA-Retired Annual Meeting and NEA Representative Assembly
Serving as liaisons on the MEA Commissions, Committees and Task Forces
Serving on MEA-Retired committees
Applying for NEA grants
Serving as mentors to Aspiring Educators of Michigan members.
Writing letters, sending e-mails, making calls and meeting with Legislators.
Serving as chapter officers.
Visiting retired chapters
Sending letters to retirees who have not completed paying their AIM obligation.
Attending MEA-Retired and MEA Board meetings
Attending MEA PAC meetings.
Marching in many rallies all over the State.
Serving on screening and recommending committees.
Serving on the MPSERS Board.
Writing, editing, publishing and mailing the Michigan Retirement Report to 38,000 members four times per year
Writing, editing and publishing the monthly MEA-Retired Tribune
Answering phone calls and questions from retirees and pre-retired members
Working the retired table at conferences throughout the year